3d shoujo custom evolution
3d shoujo custom evolution

3d shoujo custom evolution

If your enemy start its attack animation, you can get hit (it can miss if your evasion stat allows it it), even if you're far away. You must spend real money to be able to update your character's look.This is one of the saving grace of the gameplay. You can give cue to your party member, although what they do is pre-determined (Restore HP on critical HP, Buff if not buffed, Attack spell if all buffs are on place).Equipments change your character look, and they look great.Georama, the ability to make your own town is splendid!.Incorruptus (mecha) concept is awesome!.Good music, not the best, but some of it are memorable.Do not bother with the 1st game, as the 2nd game came with the 1st game. The game started as an ambitious project, but it was betrayed by its story and gameplay. White Knight Chronicles II is a 2011 PS3 game, developed by Level-5.

3d shoujo custom evolution